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a company of
smiling people
ready to make you smile, too!
is rocking code since 2013.
Now we are a 35+ team with a dedication to provide top-notch solutions for our clients.
by sumIT



Projekat „PODRŠKA MLADIM U ZAPOŠLJAVANJU U IT SEKTORU“ poziva nezaposlene  osobe da se prijave za učešće u programu obuke u IT sektoru i time povećaju mogućnost zapošljavanja.

Ako se nalazite na evidenciji službe za zapošljavanje na području Hercegovine i minimalno srednju stručnu spremu, ovo je odlična prilika da usavršite svoja znanja i osposobite se za zanimanja QA (Quality Assurance) tester i wordpress developer te time značajno povećate svoju mogućnost zapošljavanja u najbrže rastućem sektoru, IT sektoru.

Obuka koja će uključivati i teoriju i praksu održavati će se na Sveučilištu u Mostaru i IT odjelu d.o.o. Mostar. Uslov za dobivanje zvaničnog uvjerenja/certifikata kojeg će izdati Sveučilište u Mostaru je redovno pohađanje obuka.

Potpuni tekst javnog poziva možete pronaći  ovdje REDAH LEP Mostar - Javni poziv stručne obuke

Kandidat može sudjelovati samo u jednoj od navedenih obuka za zapošljavanje koje se provode kroz ovaj projekt.

Aplikacijski obrazac možete naći na linku

Rok za podnošenje prijava je 04.12.2023. u 15:00 sati.

Projekat „PODRŠKA MLADIM U ZAPOŠLJAVANJU U IT SEKTORU“ koji provodi Asocijacija za ekonomski razvoj REDAH u partnerstvu sa  Gradom Mostarom, Sveučilištem u Mostaru, kompanijom IT odjel d.o.o. Mostar i Službom za zapošljavanje HNŽ-HNK“, trajati će 21 mjesec a ukupna vrijednost mu je 400.182 KM, od čega je iznos grant sredstava EU 312.932 KM. Projektom se očekuje obuka najmanje 60 nezaposlenih osoba za zanimanja u IT sektoru, obuka najmanje 20 nezaposlenih osoba za pokretanje vlastitog biznisa i obuka za poboljšanje poslovanja za 8 nezaposlenih osoba koje registruju svoj biznis.

Lokalno partnerstvo za zapošljavanje Mostar je jedno od 20 partnerstava uspostavljenih u BiH u okviru projekta “Podrška Evropske unije lokalnim partnerstvima za zapošljavanje – Faza II” (LEP II), kojeg Evropska unija financira s 4 miliona eura, a provodi Međunarodna organizacija rada (ILO). Ovaj projekat ima za cilj da kroz lokalna partnerstva za zapošljavanje doprinese poboljšanju zapošljavanja u lokalnim zajednicama i unaprijedi vještine i prilike za zapošljavanje osoba u nepovoljnom položaju na tržištu rada.


Za više informacija o projektu LEP II, posjetite  i kanale društvenih mreža (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter i YouTube).

where can
we meet
is rocking code since 2013. Now we are 35+ team with dedication provide top-notch solutions for our clients.
Inovation is our motivation.
We always search for a better solution, and then top it.
technologies we use
9 years ago we founded ito with a desire to build amazing things.
what we do
people seem to like
  • Kudos to the ITO team for their fast and quality work! You have put all our wishes and ideas into action in a short time, and with your advice, you have further improved our projects and ideas. We look forward to continuing to collaborate on our projects in the future!
    Ante Lasic
  • Professional, responsive, and able to keep up with ever-changing demand and tight deadlines. When it comes to software, you'll definitely get the 5-star treatment from the ITO.
    Genadi Tanfilov
  • My experience with the ITO was just great! I especially liked the professional approach to project design, efficiency, and speed. The team effortlessly recognized my wishes, and after they presented me with their vision of the site, I knew they were the right partner for this project. I’m glad that I cooperated with ITO, and I firmly believe that cooperation will continue.
    Ana Lastro
  • Creating something from nothing is hard, but it would be much harder if we didn't have an incredible partner like ITO helping us along the way. They are partners in the truest sense of the word, our wins are their wins and they won't stop until we win. With Petar taking charge of technical challenges and Maria coordinating the rest of the team, I am confident that we can tackle any challenge. If every one of our partners was like ITO, life would be much easier.
    Pat Grayhack
  • Communication and relationship with the ITO team were based on clarity, precision and openness, and speaking for myself and anyone in client position, this approach is worth its weight in gold. Thanks to their support, dedication and professionalism, this project exceeded our expectations. We will surely continue our cooperation in the future, and I look forward to new joint projects - with a team worth their weight in gold.
    Davorka Topic Stipic PhD
behind every great work is a great team
and lots of coffee
turning ideas
into real stuff
contact us
Newsletter Form (#1)

IT ODJEL d.o.o. Mostar
Kneza Branimira 2b, 88000 Mostar, BiH
Tel: 00 387 36 830 003   |   E-mail: [email protected]
ID: 4227806200009   |   PDV: 227806200009

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