HelloNet is a presentation website made in WordPress technology, which presents visitors with a project to develop a broadband access infrastructure, through which 100Mbit / services are provided to end-users using advanced optical technologies. Some of the partners are the European Union, the ESF, the Competitiveness and Cohesion Operational Program, and the European Structural and Investment Funds. The website presents basic information about the project and project activities, and also contains a section related to news in which visitors can easily find out about news related to the project itself. WordPress administration is known for its simplicity, accessibility, and speed, so controlling the content on a page is greatly simplified for its administrator.
IT ODJEL d.o.o. Mostar
Kneza Branimira 2b, 88000 Mostar, BiH
Tel: 00 387 36 830 003 | E-mail: [email protected]
ID: 4227806200009 | PDV: 227806200009