Grammar School FGM Mostar

Enhance your knowledge

Grammar School of Friar Grga Martic in Mostar is a High school founded in 1974. The high school changed its name several times in the past and the current name is used since February 11 in 1997. During its existence, this high school has achieved a high level of professional and pedagogical standards and gained a reputation as a prestigious high school, enrolled by highly motivated students eager to gain knowledge and build awareness of the benefits that the high standard of our education will bring to them. The website is very complex because of the content and information they need to present to students and their parents.

Despite its complexity, the website is modern, with standard navigation and content making it easy for prospective students and visitors to find what they're looking for in just a couple of clicks. By making use of sleek modules, visitors are able to catch up with news, information, and materials. Also, there is specific information for different subjects (as materials or announcements) and students can get access to them through the log-in process. Every student has a password and username, and in that way, certain information is hidden from the public. Design vise the website is an ideal balance between eye-catching content and important content that students and their parents need to know.

What we did
UI/UX design; Website development; Quality Assurance
Google Maps

IT ODJEL d.o.o. Mostar
Kneza Branimira 2b, 88000 Mostar, BiH
Tel: 00 387 36 830 003   |   E-mail: [email protected]
ID: 4227806200009   |   PDV: 227806200009

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