U srcu dinamičnog svijeta vježbanja i rekreacije, Arena Fitness Centar nije samo prostor za tjelesnu aktivnost - to je zajednica posvećena unapređenju vašeg života. S ciljem poboljšanja iskustva naših članova, ITO je razvio inovativno rješenje - mobilnu aplikaciju za Arena Fitness Centar.
Put razvoja aplikacije za Arena Fitness Centar bio je popločan izazovima. Stvaranje sveobuhvatnog rješenja koje zadovoljava različite potrebe članova teretane, trenerskog tima i administracije predstavljalo je novi izazov. No, bili smo vođeni željom za stvaranjem nečeg drugačijeg.
Naš tim stručnjaka razvio je mobilnu aplikaciju koja je više od jednostavnog alata. Ona je postala virtualna točka okupljanja za članove Arena Fitness Centra, pružajući im jednostavan pristup informacijama koje poboljšavaju njihovo iskustvo. Profili korisnika, od "Trenera" do "Člana" i "Admina," omogućavaju personalizirano iskustvo svakome.
Sustav za upravljanje rezervacijama
Aplikacija za rezervacije pruža sveobuhvatno rješenje za članove sa pristupom, omogućujući im jednostavno zakazivanje termina za sportske aktivnosti, masaže te ostale resurse fitness centra. Dodatno, članovi tima imaju privilegiju rezervacije korporativnih resursa, uključujući službena vozila, unutar istog sustava.
Identifikacija putem QR koda:
Za siguran i jednostavan pristup našim prostorijama, implementirali smo sustav identifikacije putem QR koda unutar aplikacije. Svi članovi mogu brzo i sigurno pristupiti fitness centru koristeći QR kod, što dodatno osigurava integritet i sigurnost pristupa.
Upravljanje odsustvima:
Članovi tima imaju privilegiju zatražiti godišnji odmor, bolovanje ili rad na daljinu putem naše aplikacije. Ovaj modul omogućuje jednostavnu i učinkovitu administraciju odsutnosti, čime se olakšava proces praćenja i odobravanja različitih vrsta odsustava.
Benefiti za korisnike aplikacije:
Sustav nagrađivanja korisnika omogućuje članovima pristup različitim pogodnostima, uključujući popuste na mjesečne članarine, posebne tarife za rezervacije termina i druge pogodnosti. Time potičemo lojalnost i zadovoljstvo korisnika.
Analitika za administratore:
Web sučelje sustava pruža administratorskom timu mogućnost pregleda detaljne statistike resursa, uključujući anonimne prijedloge korisnika. Ovaj analitički modul pomaže u donošenju informiranih odluka i kontinuiranom poboljšanju kvalitete usluga koje pružaju.
Od najnovijih vijesti do rasporeda treninga, informacija o timu, članstava, postavki, rezervacija i mnogo toga, aplikacija nudi širok spektar funkcionalnosti koje čine iskustvo u Arena Fitness Centru potpunim.
Ishod Suradnje
Rezultat naše suradnje s Arena Fitness Centrom nije samo mobilna aplikacija - to je prilagodljivo rješenje koje olakšava svakodnevnu interakciju članova s teretanom.
Budućnost Fitnessa je Ovdje!
Korak po korak, uvjereni smo da smo stvorili nešto posebno.
S Arena Fitness Centrom, nismo samo transformirali iskustvo vježbanja. Gradimo mostove, stvaramo povezanost, i oblikujemo budućnost zdravijeg života zajedno. Dobrodošli u novu eru fitnessa.
Ako želite proširiti svoje trenutno znanje u digitalnom svijetu, ili pak započeti novu karijeru u istome, it.0 akademija će vam pružiti tu mogućnost.
it.0 otvara vrata širokom spektru kurseva - od osnovnih principa programiranja do dubljeg razumijevanja blockchain tehnologije i naprednih tehnika digitalnog marketinga. Priča iza it.0 akademije započinje s ambicijom stvaranja inspirirajuće obrazovne institucije koja će pomoći pojedincima i organizacijama da razviju svoje vještine i izgrade čvrste temelje za uspjeh u brzo rastućem svijetu tehnologije i digitalnog marketinga. Cilj nam je da svim polaznicima pružimo najnovije informacije, vještine i podršku koja je potrebna za postizanje uspjeha na današnjem tržištu.
Edukacija koju će it.0 akademija pružiti trenutno se sastoji od čak 4 područja rada, a s vremenom će se i širiti na nova poglavlja. Prve polaznike uskoro očekuju predavanja iz svijeta Blockchain tehnologije, koji će se sastojati od 3 modula. Među ostalim predavanjima koja su planirana nalaze se i QA testing, WordPress development (Low code) i digitalni marketing. Polaznici će imati mogućnost prisustvovati na pojedinačnim ili svim predavanjima, te time proširiti svoje znanje i iskustvo iz pruženih oblasti rada.
Akademija će sadržavati elemente teorijskog i praktičnog dijela nastave, kako bi se polaznici upoznali s materijalima, ali i iste primjenili u praksi. Time će polaznici akademije imati veoma dobar uvid u sustave i procese rada u oblastima programiranja, blockhain tehnologija te i digitalnog marketinga.
Pratite nas na društvenim mrežama jer ćemo uskoro objaviti detalje o it.0 akademiji, te o predavanjima koja stižu. it.0 akademija novi je putokaz prema budućnosti digitalnog marketinga i tehnologija koje stižu – ili su već i pred nama!
Rens is a company situated in Split with broad experience in the field of Industrial Automation, Power generation, and Management, crafting innovative solutions for clients worldwide.
They are striving to adapt and improve, and people in Rens keep up with Industry market leading trends.
Business requirements for this website were:
1. Fast and modern website
2. Responsive design for all devices
3. Excellent user experience
The goals of this project were to improve customer satisfaction and design a modern look that would contribute to business awareness.
Euroinvest is a reliable partner for building maintenance with professional staff for all tasks related to building maintenance. With the successful development of the real estate business, the company expanded its activities and business form. Euroinvest is a company founded in 2006.
The application for the Euroinvest company is a software solution, created for easier and more efficient management of residential and business premises between the service provider and the client.
Web application supports:
As part of the process of improving economic development through an integrated regional approach, which is implemented through the project of the Delegation of the European Commission in Bosnia and Herzegovina for Regional Economic Development (EU RED), the Regional Development Agency for Herzegovina (REDAH) was created, which is one of the five regional development agencies for each of the five economic regions in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The founding assembly of REDAH was held on December 17, 2003, and the assembly consists of the mayors of 23 Herzegovinian municipalities, as well as representatives of local development associations from Herzegovina, chambers of commerce and trade, and non-governmental organizations dealing with issues of economic development.
As part of the "Ćiro - World Heritage Trail" project co-financed by the European Union and the Federal Republic of Germany through the EU4Business project jointly implemented by GIZ, UNDP and ILO, ITO designed and developed a new, modern website that will certainly contribute to the growth and promotion of REDAH activities.
Grammar School of Friar Grga Martic in Mostar is a High school founded in 1974. The high school changed its name several times in the past and the current name is used since February 11 in 1997. During its existence, this high school has achieved a high level of professional and pedagogical standards and gained a reputation as a prestigious high school, enrolled by highly motivated students eager to gain knowledge and build awareness of the benefits that the high standard of our education will bring to them. The website is very complex because of the content and information they need to present to students and their parents.
Despite its complexity, the website is modern, with standard navigation and content making it easy for prospective students and visitors to find what they're looking for in just a couple of clicks. By making use of sleek modules, visitors are able to catch up with news, information, and materials. Also, there is specific information for different subjects (as materials or announcements) and students can get access to them through the log-in process. Every student has a password and username, and in that way, certain information is hidden from the public. Design vise the website is an ideal balance between eye-catching content and important content that students and their parents need to know.
The ABD Group is a company for clothes distribution of different brands for fashion and sports segments.
ABD Group empowers its partners with continuous business improvement. Following the brand strategy and with their good networking, long experience, and focus on market segmentation - they drive every brand professionally.
ITO developed a fast website with excellent user experience and modern design that accomplished all client's goals.
The website contains several pages with high-quality images and graphic elements. In addition, there are catalogs that users can download for informative purposes.
Adria Net is a company founded in 2017 and it has over 2 500 clients. The goal of Adria net d.o.o. is to be the regional leader in providing Internet services that work on Wi-Fi.
That is a wireless type of network in which data between servers and/or users is transmitted using radio frequencies instead of material media. They have different offers for private and business clients and they have easy access to them on the website. The design is modern and attractive.
Business requirements for this website are:
1. Fast and modern website
2. Responsive design for all screens
3. Great user experience
4. Simple structure of the website
4. Presenting all services and support
5. Emphasizing market advantages throughout the website with slogans and SEO - Marketing Department
Aluminij team is an internal use application intended for Aluminij Industries that allows the administration to easily communicate and provide news and announcements to their employees. It is composed of Web administration, Android and iOS applications.
This application allows the administration to create new departments and positions depending on the requirements of the company. The administration also has an overview of recently added team members and news along with a graph of all the team members listed by departments and upcoming birthdays card. This allows administrative personnel to add, edit and delete the profiles of employees and add news and select the desired audience (Employees and/or Guests).
The mobile applications allow team members to view their colleague's profiles and see their roles, contact information, acknowledgments, vacation info, etc.
The app also has an option for guests of Aluminij Industries to access news that are selected for them via the „Explore as a guest“ button on the login screen in the mobile application.
Nobel Corporation is a company founded in 1999 with headquarters in Mostar which is mainly focused on sales of Atlantic convectors and radiators, Atlantic water boilers, Nobel filters and water filtration systems and water and energy saving systems.
"Ecofriend savings revolution" is a website that contains informative content for users who have not had the opportunity to learn how to create better conditions for the individual, nature and the country itself.
The Ecofriend savings revolution offers a solution that aims to increase awareness of saving water and electricity. With each step, the visitor receives information about details and examples of satisfied users.
The visitors can choose from different savings sets based on the savings percentage itself.
The field of activity is not only informing, but also encouraging visitors about awareness and usefulness of saving energy and money.
IT ODJEL d.o.o. Mostar
Kneza Branimira 2b, 88000 Mostar, BiH
Tel: 00 387 36 830 003 | E-mail: [email protected]
ID: 4227806200009 | PDV: 227806200009